- The field is laid out in a diamond shape. The distance between each base (including home plate) is 90 feet. The distance from the pitcher’s rubber to home plate is 60 feet 6 inches.
- The infield is the central area of the baseball field. It includes the following components:
- a. Home Plate: A pentagonal-shaped rubber slab with two sides measuring 8.5 inches and three sides measuring 12 inches. It is positioned at the intersection of the foul lines.
- b. First base, second base, and third base, are square bags typically made of canvas or rubber. Each base measures 15 inches on each side and is placed at the corners of the infield in a counter-clockwise direction.
- c. The base paths that connect the bases form the base paths. They extend 90 feet from base to base in a straight line.
- The outfield is the area beyond the infield. It is typically covered with grass, and its size and shape may vary depending on the specific field. The outfield is enclosed by a fence, wall, or designated boundary line.
- The foul lines extend from home plate to the outfield fence, defining the boundaries of fair and foul territory. They are usually marked by chalk lines or painted lines on the ground.
- The outfield may feature a warning track positioned a few feet in front of the outfield fence. It provides players with a tactile cue that they are approaching the boundary, helping them gauge their position.
*Drawings not to scale