Extremely light red in color, Play Ball Regular has been designed to meet the challenge of wet, dry or compacted infields. Due to its makeup, it is less abrasive than other infield conditioners, and is the most volumous material within the infield conditioner class. Its unique granule, which is comprised of 82% open pore space, is extremely absorbent and helps create porous space required for drainage and recovery.

The design philosophy behind using Diatomaceous Earth as an infield conditioner focuses on Absorption, Moisture Retention, Volume, and improving Soil Structure.

  • Greater absorption
  • Improves moisture retention
  • Greater volume
  • Improves soil structure
  • Reduces rain delays
  • Prevents rainouts
  • Improves drainage
  • Reduces puddling
When used as an Infield Conditioner:

Amend Play Ball Regular into your soil profile at a rate of 10% by volume.

Coverage Rates:

1 Ton will cover 1,000 sq. ft. at a depth of 1 inch


Baseball Coverage
1” Soil
3” Soil
6” Soil
90’ Bases(Grass Infield) 11,550 sq. ft. 1.25 tons 3.75 tons 7.5 tons
60’ Bases(Grass Infield) 3,850 sq. ft. .5 tons 1.5 tons 3 tons


Softball Coverage
1” Soil
3” Soil
6” Soil
65’ Bases(Slow Pitch)(Grass Infield) 9,200 sq. ft. 1 tons 3 tons 6 tons
60’ Bases(ASA Fast Pitch)(Grass Infield) 8300 sq. ft. 1 tons 2.75 tons 5.5 tons

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