Diamond Select Infield Conditioner is a unique blend of vitrified shale particles that have been specifically designed to be amended into the playing surface of an infield, at a rate of 25% by volume. Due to its great longevity and particle strength, this material is one of the best Infield Conditioners.

The design philosophy behind using vitrified shale as an infield conditioner focuses on increased soil stability, improved drainage, and the heightened recovery of an infield.

With a rich color that adds focus to any playing surface Diamond Select Infield Conditioner gives an infield the professional look and feel that all coaches and players require. It packs well, drains well, and stays put.

  • Greater absorption
  • Improves moisture retention
  • Greater volume
  • Improves soil structure
  • Reduces rain delays
  • Prevents rainouts
  • Improves drainage
  • Reduces puddling


  • Available Colors: Red, Brown, Grey, Black, and Gold
  • Weight: 5 pounds per cubic foot (Loose) = 1.35 Yards:1 Ton
  • Absorption: 25% – 32%
  • Bulk: 5, 10 , 15, 24 and 30 Ton Bulk Truckloads
  • Supersacks: 2,100 lbs. each, 1 per Pallet
  • Bags: 50 lbs. each, 40 bags per Pallet
Recommended Application when used as an Infield Conditioner:

Amend Diamond Select Infield Conditioner into your soil profile at a rate of 25% by volume

Coverage Rates:

2.25 Tons will cover 1,000 sq. ft. at a depth of 1 inch


Baseball Coverage
1” Soil
3” Soil
6” Soil
90’ Bases(Grass Infield) 11,550 sq. ft. 6 tons 18 tons 36 tons
60’ Bases(Grass Infield) 3,850 sq. ft. 2.5 tons 7.5 tons 15 tons


Softball Coverage
1” Soil
3” Soil
6” Soil
65’ Bases(Slow Pitch)(Grass Infield) 9,200 sq. ft. 4.5 tons 13.5 tons 27 tons
60’ Bases(ASA Fast Pitch)(Grass Infield) 8300 sq. ft. 4.25 tons 12.75 tons 25.5 tons


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